Talking Points to keep in mind

March 25, 2009 at 2:41 am 2 comments

* Congress passes bills they don’t read every day. That’s bad enough; but to pass the largest spending bill in the history of the world without reading it is criminal.

* Congress and the President must repeal all (of these stupid) spending bills and budget. The overwhelming majority of the money has not been spent. And of that money, the overwhelming majority of the money is and will not be spent on actually fixing any of our economic woes. Instead, they are paying off their Democrat political debts.

* If the Congress and the President will not repeal this spending, we will retire them at the ballot box, starting March 31st w/ Jim Tedisco, NY 20.

* Congress is tripping over themselves vilifying AIG for their irresponsible spending, yet when it comes to irresponsible spending, they wrote the book on it —> it’s a 1100pg piece called ‘the Stimulus Bill.’ Though from what I hear, no one has read it.

* $1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) = $3,300/person Today, current spending bills and budgets total $1T PER YEAR for the next 10 years; that’s $33,000 for each man, woman, and child in America.

*Government foisted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac onto the national credit market.

*Government pressured the nation’s banking system into lending to unqualified borrowers with the Community Reinvestment Act.

*Government asked for, lied about, and then wasted $350,000,000,000.00 billion for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

*Government uses taxpayer funds to bail out the perpetrators of the Wall Street meltdown.

*Government led our financial industry to make these reckless loans. Government rewarding irresponsible individuals with taxpayer money to ‘bail out’ their homes they cannot afford.

…. ALL THE WHILE, Government demands we foot the bill.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Sign ideas Things to do during rally ….

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Robert  |  April 9, 2009 at 6:48 pm

    Anyone heard about CNN, CBS, and the Huffington Post getting caught helping Obama manufacture erroneous poll numbers and petition signatures? It’s here, under “Media Bias News”:

    The reason I bring it up is the same reason that Glenn Beck pointed out the protest in Huntsville, Alabama he attended with 15,000 protesters, which the news media covered by covering the 20 people that came to protest the protesters.

    This is standard, seriously.

    If history is any indication, the news media will either completely ignore the event, regardless of how many people we bring…or cover it by talking only to the opposition.

    We disagree with their worldview (not that news media should HAVE one, but they clearly do), so we don’t exist. If they ARE forced to cover us, they will cover us by MARGINALIZING us, either by drastically downplaying our numbers, or by showing only the signs and protesters that come off as most extreme.

    Between this and the fact that there are a lot of non-political, mainstream people potentially watching who have been wildly, systematically misinformed by the news media for years about what conservatives stand for, we must keep any ugly hyper-partisanship to an absolute minimum.

    Most of us know this, but there are always one or two bad apples. Don’t go there. Our audience is not hard core right-wingers, it’s Main Street.

    We’ve got a huge opportunity here to set the record straight and demonstrate that, while liberals represent the fringe and operate on emotional hysteria and conspiracy theories, we represent the thinking, reasonable adults who make up Mainstream America and operate on actual facts, evidence, and substance.

    In short, please:

    -Think ahead about what to say and do if you are approached by dissenters or news media. What short statement will most effectively and abruptly neutralize their likely counterpoints?

    -Bring cameras, take pictures, and send them in to people who will actually show them to the country, like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, etc.

    -Be careful not to blindly attack Obama. His personal popularity remains high, despite rapidly declining public support for his policies. It is easy enough for conservatives to get ourselves marginalized by the news media as angry partisan extremists when we AREN’T allowing ourselves to look that way. Don’t do them any favors.

    • 2. kevin W  |  April 13, 2009 at 12:44 am

      Excellent post and food for thought.


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March 2009

Liberty waits